16. The Smartest Giant in Town
Čítali sme si rozprávku od Julie Donaldson:
Obrova pesnička:
“My tie is a scarf for a cold giraffe,
My shirt’s on a boat as a sail for a goat,
My shoe is a house for a little white mouse,
One of my socks is a bed for a fox,
My belt helped a dog who was crossing a bog
But look me up and down –
I’m the smartest giant in town.”
My shirt’s on a boat as a sail for a goat,
My shoe is a house for a little white mouse,
One of my socks is a bed for a fox,
My belt helped a dog who was crossing a bog
But look me up and down –
I’m the smartest giant in town.”
“Your tie is a scarf for a cold giraffe,
Your shirt’s on a boat as a sail for a goat,
Your shoe is a house for a little white mouse,
One of your socks is a bed for a fox,
Your belt helped a dog who was crossing a bog
So here is a very fine crown,
to go with a sandals and gown
of the kindest giant in town.”
Hrali sme sa:
- „Knock, knock“ – Jedno dieťa pri stene žmúri. Iné k nemu príde s nejakým kusom oblečenia a vraví zmeneným hlasom: „Knock, knock. Is this your shirt?“ Žmúriace dieťa háda, kto to povedal.
Robili sme pracovný list – rôzne poobliekané zvieratká a deti. Úlohy k nemu:
- Vymaľovávať podľa inštrukcií. „The Giraffe has a blue shirt. The Dog has a black belt. …“
- Dávali sme si hádanky. „He/she has a pink shirt, red trousers, white socks and brown shoes. Who is it?“